Event Photography

e·vent | əˈvent | noun

a thing that happens, especially one of importance.

You get one chance to capture your special event.  


The pre-event planning is what makes for a successful project.  Before the event,  we will discuss the event, it’s purpose, and what you want the photographs to capture.

Each event has a different flair and flavor.  You can rest assured that will come through in the photography. 


“There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer.”

– Ansel Adams

Ready to get started?
Got questions?

Let’s talk.  Contact me today!

Schedule a free initial consultation

It’s free!  You have nothing to lose.  So schedule your free 30 minute consultation. 

What are you waiting for?


If these dates do not work, please contact me at info@greatthingsllc.com to find other options.