Freedom From Mold, Sven Hosford’s Mold Exposure Survival Story and New Business

Sven Hosford, Freedom From Mold Podcast

How Exposure to Mold Grew Into A Business and Web Design, Sven Hosford and I met years ago.  It was an instant and good connection.  We shared many common interests and acquaintances, both being active in the Western Pennsylvania wellness community.  Our initial connection was through his publication “Light of Life” and my real […]

The Side Effects of COVID-19: The Breaking Point

Trust and Integrity

The Side Effects of the Pandemic, not the Virus.  Hitting the Breaking Point. The world is facing the COVID-19 pandemic. Nations and states are scrambling to contain the spread.   Approximately 1/3rd of the 7.8 billion people on the planet are under quarantine.  “Non-Essential” business in my home state of Pennsylvania have bee shutdown.   […]

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