Web Design for Small Businesses with WordPress and. Elementor, content creation

ProTip & Tools for Thoughtful Content Creation

What are people searching for?

If you are writing content without understanding what the public is searching for, you are wasting your time.  Content Creation needs to be a part of your ongoing business practices.   Business owner’s often write what they want to share and promote.   And more often than not, it is not written in a way it will be found.    We have seen this time and time again.   Even the most elegant websites will be limited by the quality (AND STRUCTURE!) of their content.   You will have better results when you invest in the content, as much or more that your website’s design.

Answer the Public

Like its name implies, AnswerThePublic.com , by Ubersuggest, provides a fabulous of what the public is asking.  With multiple variation on potential key phrases and search queries, you can get a solid picture of how you can tailor your writing and content.

The example below was generated from “Webdesign”   The first example is of actions and how it relates to your keyword or phrase.    Let’s assume I am looking for new web design projects.  That’s a stretch right?!?  I want to know more about potential clients and their decision-making.   What questions would they ask?   What phrases would they type?   For example, a prospect who is ready to pick a designer could ask “Which” questions?   The results suggest the following phrase that have high search activity:

  • which web design software is the best
  • best web design
  • which web designer
  • web design which language
  • web design which software
  • web designing course
  • best website design for web developers

Answer the Public Webdesign Terms


Do you see who this can provide a clear direction on what to write?   Before this information was available, one may write about why they are a good web design firm.  Helpful, but may not be found on line.    If “Web Design Which Software” was selected,  one may write about the different options (educating), providing evaluations of those options (expertice) and sharing how they design (experience).  This builds a much more customer solution based article and establishs that people as a tested expert.

Tools We Use

In addition to Ubersuggests (Answer The People.com), we employ a variety of online tools.  The following list of tools can help you in your research.

1. Google Trends:

Google Trends is a powerful tool for tracking the popularity of search queries over time. It allows you to see how often specific keywords, phrases, and topics are searched for and can provide insights into seasonal trends and geographic interest.

2. BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo is a comprehensive tool for discovering the most shared content on social media. It allows you to search for specific keywords or domains and see which articles and topics are getting the most engagement across different platforms.

3. SEMrush

SEMrush offers a suite of tools for SEO and content marketing, including trend analysis. Its “Topic Research” tool helps you find popular topics and headlines in your industry, while its “Trending Subtopics” feature shows emerging trends.

4. Ahrefs Content Explorer

Ahrefs Content Explorer lets you search for any keyword and find the most popular content based on social shares, organic traffic, and backlinks. It’s excellent for identifying trending topics and understanding what type of content performs best.

5. Social Media Platforms

  • Twitter Trends: Twitter’s trending section shows real-time trends based on geographic location. It’s useful for catching up with what’s currently hot on social media.
  • Reddit: Subreddits and Reddit’s homepage can provide insights into trending discussions and topics. Reddit’s upvote system surfaces popular content.

6. Quora

Quora is a question-and-answer platform where you can find trending questions and popular topics. By browsing Quora, you can see what people are curious about and what topics are generating the most discussion.

7. Feedly

Feedly is an RSS feed aggregator that lets you subscribe to blogs, news sites, and other content sources. It helps you stay updated with the latest posts and trending articles in your areas of interest.

8. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest, created by Neil Patel, is a keyword research tool that also offers content ideas and trends. It provides keyword suggestions, search volume data, and content ideas based on what’s popular in your niche.

9. Exploding Topics

Exploding Topics identifies rapidly growing topics before they become mainstream. This tool helps you spot emerging trends early by analyzing search growth data and social mentions.

10. TrendWatching

TrendWatching provides insights and reports on consumer trends. It’s particularly useful for understanding broader market trends and consumer behavior changes.

11. TrendHunter

TrendHunter is a trend research platform that focuses on consumer insights and emerging trends. It provides articles, reports, and a database of trends in various industries.

12. Google Alerts

Google Alerts can be set up to notify you when new content related to specific keywords is published online. It’s a simple way to monitor new and trending content in your industry.


Methods We Swear By

As helpful as the right tools can be, it is still the human intellect and creativity that makes the magic happen.  We have changed our development practices to incorporate new best practices. Staying tuned into SEO trends and terms isn’t just about keeping up; it’s about staying ahead. Whether it’s the latest Google algorithm update or emerging tech like voice search, knowing these shifts helps you tailor your content and strategy effectively. It’s like having a secret roadmap that keeps you on the fastest route to visibility and engagement.

We choose to start with an SEO Site Structure plan, we start with the basics.  We research and analyze it BEFORE we start any development.

There are four stages we follow and use to create great websites.

Critical SEO Research

  • Enhanced Search Rankings and Visibility: Utilize critical SEO research to boost your website’s ranking in search results, significantly increasing your organic traffic and online presence—essential for small businesses looking to stand out in competitive markets.
  • Strategic Content Optimization: Focus not just on creating great content, but on ensuring that your content is discoverable and tailored to what potential customers are actively searching for, thereby increasing the likelihood of conversion to revenue.
  • Targeted Keyword Integration: Through meticulous research, we identify and implement the optimal keywords and phrases, ensuring that your messaging resonates with the right audience, using the language they use, to maximize reach and impact.

Conversion Ready Copywriting

  • Engagement-Driven Sales Copy: Leverage our expert in-house copywriter to craft sales copy that not only engages your audience but also enhances your brand’s voice across all platforms.
  • Clear and Compelling Messaging: Our copywriting is focused on clarity and persuasion, encouraging visitors to take action through powerful calls-to-action and compelling narratives.
  • Boosted Conversions and Credibility: Start seeing improved conversion rates and building long-term credibility as our tailored copy connects effectively with your target market, driving measurable results.

Timeless Graphic Design & Branding

  • Build Trust and Loyalty: Through purpose-driven branding and timeless graphic design, establish a strong, consistent identity that resonates with your audience, fostering trust and loyalty over time.
  • Clear Communication of Values: Utilize thoughtful design to effectively convey your company’s core values and mission, ensuring your message reaches and impacts your target audience accurately and profoundly.
  • Guide User Actions Strategically: Enhance the user experience with meticulous design that not only appeals aesthetically but also guides visitors effortlessly towards taking desired actions, such as signing up, purchasing, or further engagement.

Iterative Updates & Reoptimization

  • Dynamic Website Evolution: Embrace the concept that your website is ever-evolving, as we continuously help you add new content, integrate cutting-edge third-party platforms, and setup targeted funnel campaigns to enhance user interaction and satisfaction.
  • Responsive to User Needs: Stay agile with iterative updates and reoptimizations tailored to meet the changing preferences and behaviors of your audience, ensuring your digital presence is always relevant and engaging.
  • Comprehensive Support: Benefit from our unwavering support for all your website needs, from minor tweaks to major overhauls, ensuring your site remains efficient, effective, and aligned with your strategic goals.

Next Steps

As you embark on this journey of content creation, remember, understanding what your audience seeks is not just a tactical advantage—it’s your pathway to making a significant impact. By harnessing tools like AnswerThePublic, you’re not merely guessing the wind’s direction; you’re setting sails precisely to catch it. This isn’t about chasing visibility but about creating meaningful interactions that resonate deeply with your audience. Each query you answer, each need you meet, builds trust and cements your role as a leader in your niche.

Leveraging an array of tools, from Google Trends to SEMrush, is akin to having a diverse set of instruments in an orchestra. Each one brings a unique tone, a different insight into what your audience craves. Together, they create a symphony of content that not only attracts but delights and retains your audience. Remember, the goal here is not just to attract a passing crowd but to engage a community of followers who believe in your message.

So keep your spirit of inquiry alive, stay curious, and remain adaptable. The blend of your unique expertise and the insights gleaned from these tools will help you craft content that doesn’t just reach people but moves them. This process—constant learning, adapting, and evolving—is what keeps your content fresh and your strategies effective. You’re not just building a brand; you’re nurturing a relationship with every piece of content you create.

Remember, you don’t have to navigate this digital landscape alone. If you’re ready to take your content strategy to the next level and truly connect with your audience, reach out for a free consultation. Let’s discuss how we can turn your insights into impactful results together. Keep pushing forward, keep innovating, and remember that in this dynamic digital age, your ability to adapt is your greatest asset. Call us today and let’s transform your digital presence together!


Read the Case Study on AuthenticTraining.com, “Optimizing AuthenticTrainings.com: An Example of the Impact of SEO Research (greatthingsllc.com)” and how thought research and content creation yield huge opportunities very quickly.

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