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Crypto Currencies, Starting Out

I am late to the Crypto Currencies game.  In fact I am kicking myself for not putting in $1,000 a few years ago with BitCoin as at $750.   Today it topped $16,000    Well, There are a ton of new “Alt-Coins” hitting the market.  Most are scams or doomed from the start.   Yet there is definite potential.   So, this morning I purchased a few bucks of BitCoin, LiteCoin and Ethereum .   I set up my account through CoinBase. (Use this link and get $10 in your account free, after your first $100 transaction)  It was much simpler there , although Kraken appears to have a better fee structure.    It was only a small amount and I am entering this experiment figuring that it may all evaporate.   It should be in interesting.   Stay tuned.  I’ll share my experience .  There is a steep learning curve here.

If you would like a simple way to get started,  check out 


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