Search Generative Experience (SGE): How SGE Will Impact SEO

Google AI Search Generate Experience

Inside Search Lab, Google is currently testing a groundbreaking feature called Search Generative Experience (SGE) that harnesses the power of AI to revolutionize its search engine. This upcoming change is poised to be the most significant shift in the search engine platform since its inception. As SGE prepares for its official launch, it is crucial […]

Top 6 reasons why these Google Events structured data alerts are so lame

Structured Data Explained

Google Events structured data alerts are so lame: A blog about the Google structured data notifications and why they are lame. Let’s face it: Google Analytics is important. Every website should have either a free one or a premium one. The reason they are so important is that they help you to understand your web […]

Google Video Indexing: what it means to you

google video indexing

Google has added Video Indexing to Search Console If you have Search Console set up for your website, you may have received a notification from Google about video indexing.  You will find this under your Search Console dashboard as Video Pages. The following is a good description from Google’s help file: “The video indexing report […]

Disavowing Spamming Backlinks & Why You Should Consider It

SPAM, disavowing backlinks

Spam Scores, Backlinks, SEO and Things You May Not Be Aware Of Your site may be suffering from hidden and unknown back links. Backlinks, or incoming or inbound links, are links from outside websites to pages on your own domain.  You could have a high Spam Score.  There is a significant abuse from spammers that […]

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