Top 6 reasons why these Google Events structured data alerts are so lame

Structured Data Explained

Google Events structured data alerts are so lame: A blog about the Google structured data notifications and why they are lame. Let’s face it: Google Analytics is important. Every website should have either a free one or a premium one. The reason they are so important is that they help you to understand your web […]

It is time to get Squirrly, Squirrly SEO that is!

Squirrly SEO plugin for Word Press

Get Squirrly SEO Search Engine Optimization, (SEO) it is the holy grail of web design and the dream of every website owner. Every business owner wants to see their website at the top of the search results.  Most struggle to achieve that.   Search Engine Optimization is a complex and shifting environment.  Search engines are constantly […]

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