The Art of Happiness : His Holiness The Dalai Lama

The Art of Happiness

The Art of Happiness Wisdom, beauty, and joy—these are the core elements embodied by His Holiness The Dalai Lama in his teachings and writings. In his seminal work, “The Art of Happiness,” these principles are brought to life, making the foundational tenets of Buddhism relevant and accessible in today’s modern world. With an open heart […]

Falling Upward : By Richard Rohr

Falling Upward: by Richard Rohr

Falling Upward “Falling Upward” was a surprise recommendation from a good friend, and it turned out to be an enriching read. Richard Rohr, a Franciscan monk, provides a profound exploration of life’s journey, yet the book is not overly religious or preachy. Instead, it offers a thoughtful and descriptive account of how people often experience […]

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*CK The Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life Don’t let the title offend you!  This book is a lively, and often hysterical, bitch slap of reality.    Mark Manson guides you through the development, cultivation and implementation of not giving a fuck, not a single one.   […]

The Infinite Self: 33 Steps to Reclaiming Your Inner Power

The Infinite Self: 33 Steps to Reclaiming Your Inner Power

The Infinite Self: 33 Steps to Reclaiming Your Inner Power One of my favorite books is “Infinite Self: The 33 Steps to Reclaiming Your Inner Power” by Stuart Wilde. Wilde’s journey from rags to riches, and ultimately walking away from it all in search of a centered and happy life, serves as a powerful reminder […]

Something new is in the works. Reviews and Recommendations

The Infinite Self: 33 Steps to Reclaiming Your Inner Power It’s been a long journey over the last year or so.   So much as transpired and forced my evolution.    In future blogs, I will share the details of love, life, loss, grief and spiritual awakening. The people, books, events, and places I have […]

Blueprints and solar panels

Solar Panel Array

This week held two good meetings.   Engineer Josh Meyer revised the roof line and 2nd floor to pick up an extra office and increase the square footage.  It also eliminated any East/West gable exposure.  This helps protect anextra end the roof life.  With only North and South facing roof,  the roof allows for cross […]

Revamping and Ready to Get Going

It has been a busy week.   A lot to do at the Center of Harmony after taking a week’s break in Asheville, NC.   Which by the way, is a fantastic city with a lot to offer!       If you have noticed a new look and feel to the website, it is […]

First design iteration , it is starting to feel like a project


Friday morning, we meet with Josh Meyers, of E.C.C.I. Josh and his family have been lifelong family friends. While this project is dedicated to supporting local people and businesses, we selected Josh based on his knowledge and thought design suggestions. He has a unique, analytical perspective of balancing design, our green requirements and our budget. […]

Getting Excited About Floors and Flooring

Renewable Flooring

I met with our engineer, Josh Meyer, at the Wunderbar Coffee Shop this morning. He had some exciting info on flooring options. Since we are building in the floodplain, we must build above the 100 year flood stage, about 8-10 feet above the ground. This leaves open air under the floor. That is a design […]

Environmental Living, Here we come!

You are reading it hear first!  Our new “Green” house! This will be the official blog spot for the journey we are undertaking.    So is what is happening!   1) We are building a new house behind the Center of Harmony.   In the vision of the Center, this will be an environmental conscious […]

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