Happy new year 2023 intentions

New Year’s Intentions, Forget those Resolutions. They NEVER WORK!

New Year’s Intentions, Not Resolutions

In the blog from last year “Forget the New Year’s Resolutions, Intentions are the way to start 2022“, I shared the immense benefits of making a subtle shift in how we make a sustainable change in the New Year.  Let’s see how it worked!

My Intentions From The Last Two Years

2021 New Year's Intentions

Two years ago, I was calling in Love, Joy, Health, Travel, Freedom, and Partnership.  That was the year that I met my sacred partner,  Katy Jo, or SpiritBird as is her preferred name. I lost weight, traveled about 50,000 miles, had freedom, and found immense joy in the process.  It was a big year for sure.

That process took me to Alaska.  I lived there for almost a year, got to experience the grandeur of the Last Frontier, saw the Northern Lights, and so much more.  I would see that the 2021 intentions were achieved.  I could not have dreamt them up as they unfolded, but the feeling of the intentions was a solid guide.  You can read more on the New Year’s Eve Intentions 2022 blog post.

2022 New Year's Intentions Last year living in Anchorage and coming into 2022, my intentions were Connection, Health, Play, Abundance, Freedom, and Exploration.    Those also came into being, but in a different way than I expected.   The one that surprised me was how Freedom showed itself.   It was selling the “Center of Harmony” building and event venue I owned in Harmony, PA.    After 11 years, it was ready for it to find its new owner.  And it did!   The deal was completed on December 29th, right before the end of the year.   The sense of freedom, lightness, and releasing responsibility was immediate and deep.  I have been dancing and singing since then.  My general disposition is different and less worrisome.  It was the last big intention to manifest this year.

2023 New Year’s Intentions


This year’s Intentions are not grand or radical.  Rather, they are soft adjustments, course corrections, and refocusing.

“Our Greater Joy”, has been a fun and joyful year.  And our work, a transcontinental move, and two major real estate transactions have definitively required some attention and seriousness.   With this these major life events behind me,  prioritizing and tending to build even greater Joy together is at the top of the list.

Play, who doesn’t want more of that?

Abundance.  I am calling for more abundance in all things that make life juicy:  more time, rest, resources, wealth, and happiness.  All of it, Thank you, Yes Please!

Our Home.  We found it, we purchased it, and now we are renovating it.  This year we will be in it.  Creating a home together, a sacred sanctuary, and a place to share all we have been blessed with, is what I am calling in.

Co-creation and more of our Magic.   This fall, SpiritBird and I brought our teachings, gifts, and unique magical styles together.   It was the first time we “worked” together, and it was GOOD!   That felt right, down to my DNA.   It was a sign, a lightning bolt from the sky, that I am on the right path,  the one I have dreamt of, the one I manifest,ed and where I am meant to be.


Happy New Year,

May your intentions be clear and pure.

May you the find you with grace and ease.

Blessing for 2023.

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